How to Reduce Waste and Pollution from Your RV

Nothing quite puts a damper on a vacation than a rig overflowing in garbage. You’re already dealing with a small living space that can easily feel cluttered; the last thing you want to add is a smelly mess. 

It is well worth it to do a few waste-reducing measures in your RV. It will make your trip easier, and it will benefit the planet for other travelers in the long run. Getting an RV insurance quote and finding ways to reduce waste and pollution is your first step to a peace of mind vacation. With these few simple tips, waste reduction is a piece of cake. 

Eat What You Buy

This may sound so simple it might not even seem like it should even be on the list. But it happens to all of us, and far too often. We purchase ingredients with the best intentions of making it, but it falls by the wayside in favor of simpler ready-fast meals. Much of food waste even comes from scraping our leftovers into the garbage.

Commit to purchasing only what you know you’ll eat… and eating what you purchase. It helps to put the items that are expiring soon at the front of your cabinets and refrigerator, so you don’t forget about them. 

Shop in Bulk 

Coffee, rice, nuts, candy, or daily needs like flour or sugar are the best items to find in the scoop it yourself bulk aisle at the store. Purchase semi- or non-perishables in bulk is one of the simplest waste reduction methods. Use airtight containers to keep these items fresh. Will will be saving so many paper and plastic containers by using this method!

Go for Glass

By purchasing foods that come in glass containers, you’ll automatically have some extra dishes and vessels to use for eating and storage later.

You can find yogurt, drinks, pickles, olives, and lots of other foods in glass jars, and you can also purchase some mason jars to reuse for a variety of purposes.

Reusable dishes help avoid an all too sudden pile up on trash and also are a nicer way to enjoy your meals. Opt for shatterproof dishware, which can overcome the inevitable “oops” moments that come on the road. 

Reuse Grocery Bags

Using those sturdy, canvas bags they sell specifically for grocery shopping is a great way to reduce waste — but even if you do use plastic, you can find lots of ways to keep those flimsy bags from clogging up your garbage can.

Use them as liners for your bathroom or kitchen sink garbage can or even as a cheap and easy way to pack shoes or other slightly dirty items into a larger suitcase. 

Conserve Water

Protect the environment by conserving water and keeping water sources clean. It’s important and easier than you think.

  1. Wash dishes by filling the sink or a bin with water and washing all dishes rather than letting the faucet run. Rinse using a low flow of water.
  2. Turn off the water when brushing teeth, washing hands, shaving, during a shower when washing your hair and body.
  3. Ensure your water hose connections don’t leak and faucets don’t drip.
  4. Never wash dishes, hands, or other objects directly in rivers and lakes. It may harm aquatic life, and you.
  5. Only dump your black water tank into sewer lines. Greywater dumping rules are varied and evolving. Ideally, dump it into sewer lines whenever possible. 

About Transparity Insurance Services

Transparity Insurance Services was founded for the purpose of helping clients to ensure their property and assets with no hassle. We are committed to providing a simple, easy, efficient, and positive experience to all of our clients, and prioritize open and transparent communication with our clients. Through our excellent customer service and technology, we can help you to find the right insurance program at a competitive price. Contact us today at (855) 889-2037 to learn more about what we can do for you.