Involved in a Car Accident? Here’s What to Do

Both fender benders and serious accidents are an unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable part of life. Drivers are more distracted than ever. Phone use while driving and riskier driving such as speeding and hard braking are significant issues among us. Being prepared for an accident is the first step to smoother aftermath whether you are not at fault or not. Preparation will help with your auto insurance claim against an at-fault driver, as well as protect you if another driver falsely accuses you of the accident. The following are ways to manage the situation and the steps to take if you are involved in a car accident.

Immediately After the Collision

First and foremost, if possible, pull your car over to a safe, public, well-lit place nearby. If your car has become a road hazard, try to move it, even if it is to a sidewalk. If your vehicle can not be moved, move yourself and any passengers a safe distance from the collision. Never leave anyone in the vehicle unless injuries are calling for first responders to remove them. If it is safe, remain on the scene to meet emergency servicers and to gather important information. It is best to remain calm to use better judgment and use emergency flashers to alert any oncoming vehicles. Having an after-accident plan to get through the incident to preserve your rights in a potential claim is advised.

Contact Ambulance or Law Enforcement

After you and your vehicle are in a safe place, assess all passengers for injuries. Even for a minor injury, it is recommended to call for an ambulance to get medical assistance immediately. Then call law enforcement and provide them with the location of the accident or any identifying information so they can find you quickly and easily. If, for some reason, the police do not come to the scene, go to the nearest police station and file a report as soon as possible after the accident. It is very important to document the accident with a police report in case you’re sued by the other driver, as well as obtain a copy of the police report. This will be extremely helpful later in the claims process.

Talking to the Other Driver

Evaluate your safety speaking with the other driver, and if you can do so calmly, without police help. If road rage may have played a role in the car accident, use extra caution. If you determine it is safe to speak with the other driver, it is important to still refrain from speaking about who is at fault or expressing any anger. Don’t assign blame to witnesses on the scene either. It is also best to avoid discussing any potential injuries. All of these things will impact the insurance claim.

Gathering Information

Keeping your documents in order is essential to collect important information. You should always keep your registration, proof of insurance, and your insurance professional’s name and phone number in your vehicle. It is also advised to carry important medical information, such as known allergies and your doctor’s contact handy.

You will eventually need to exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver. Again, avoid saying anything that could get used against you later. What to collect for insurance claims:

  • Name and contact information
  • Insurance company and policy number
  • Driver’s license and license plate number
  • Type, color, and model of vehicle
  • Location of accident

Take photos or videos of any damage to all vehicles involved in the incident and speak with any witnesses. Write down or record details as you may not remember them later on. It is also helpful to document injuries, road and weather conditions. Your insurer will want to know these details to help you with your claim.

Starting an Auto Insurance Claim

Be sure to contact your auto agent as soon as possible to help expedite the claim process. They also may be able to help you with other services included in your policy, such as roadside assistance. It is important to ask questions about anything you don’t understand so you can provide your insurer with what they need to process the claim. Find out if there is a deadline for filing and when you can expect to hear from your Sugarland Auto Insurance agent. Nowadays, you can even use a mobile app to get your claim handled faster after a car accident.

About Transparity Insurance Services

Transparity Insurance Services was founded for the purpose of helping clients to ensure their property and assets with no hassle. We are committed to providing a simple, easy, efficient, and positive experience to all of our clients, and prioritize open and transparent communication with our clients. Through our excellent customer service and technology, we can help you to find the right insurance program at a competitive price. Contact us today at (855) 889-2037 to learn more about what we can do for you.